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HomePresident's Message

President's Message

Dear Fellow Airport Purchasing Colleague:


It is with gratitude that I begin my last year as the President of the Airport Purchasing Group.  This organization was started by several leaders of procurement in the aviation industry in the 1990’s.  I was fortunate to have known several of the founding members, and I feel strongly about the benefits of the organization.  It does “take a village” of volunteers to keep such an organization going, and I am thankful for those who contribute so much to the success of APG.  I encourage new members to become involved sot that it thrives for years to come.


I will be hanging up my purchasing “hat” in 2025.  When I reflect on the changes throughout my career, it makes me realize the importance of remaining flexible and adaptable as we work with our internal customers to assist them in making the most efficient and economic procurements possible.  My very first purchasing position was as a buyer with the State of Indiana in the early 80’s.   I remember being approached by a sales representative to introduce something called a facsimile machine.  Cell phones weren’t even a thing.  During my career, the aviation industry has experienced the impacts of 9/11, the economic downturn in 2008, and CoVid.  Each of these called on us to be resilient.  What better way to assist in this regard than through APG.  APG provides resources to reach out to your aviation peers, stay in touch with best practices, and gain professional certification points. 


I hope that you have become familiar with our new website and found it easy to use.  Please use the Member Forum feature to obtain assistance and provide assistance to others.  If you experience any difficulties in the use of the system, please reach out to our Website Director at  Contacts for all of our Board members are also on the site.


Charlotte will be the site for our 2024 Annual Conference on August 23rd and 24th.  Those who attended our event in Louisville had a great time and attended many informative, educational sessions were shared.  If you would like to present, or have suggestions for session topics, please feel free to send them to my attention as conference planning will be underway soon.  Details will be on the website as they are available.


It has been a pleasure serving as your President, and I hope to have the pleasure of working/networking with each of you throughout the upcoming year.


Best Regards,


Laura Hakes


Airport Purchasing Group

Fort Wayne-Allen County Airport Authority