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Membership in APG can provide you with the opportunity to build and maintain relationships with other procurement professionals who have the same challenges you do. Assistance is only a phone call or e-mail away.
Our web site provides a wealth of information to our members and includes access to the APG MemberConnect service that affords subscribers with easy information sharing via e-mail. Got a problem? Don't re-invent the wheel, ask your colleagues for their advice and assistance.

Our annual conference is another worthwhile benefit. This conference provides airport industry educational sessions, tours and social events. Previous speakers have included staff from the FAA and GSA, and from other airport specific industries.
The APG offers a scholarship to a member who would like to attend the conference, and who would otherwise be unable to attend.

Many of our airport authorities have language in their bid documents that allows another governmental agency or authority to piggyback their bid. This may save you time and money by not having to do your own solicitation. A list of available agreements is available to all members.

Membership is open to any entity involved in airport procurement. This includes airport purchasing offices, city, county and state entities, or any entity that purchases for an airport.

Any others, including vendors who sell to airport purchasing entities, are NOT eligible for membership.

Membership in APG remains one of the "best bangs for your buck."

The $100 annual membership fee includes membership for one (1) member from your airport; additional members from your airport are just $10 each.

This is the most cost effective membership fee of any of the professional purchasing organizations to which you'll ever belong.

Memberships are based on a calendar year, and renewals must be processed no later than February 28. New memberships are accepted at any time.

If your airport is new to APG use the JOIN TODAY link above. If your airport is already a member, obtain the additional member discount code from your airport's primary member to join at the discounted $10 rate. If you do not know if your agency is a member or who the primary member is, contact Membership Help. Or, you can identify a primary member through profile information. In the lower left, under More Member Options, the primary member will have a link to Additional Members in Your Account. This is where the discount code is located.

For more information on membership in APG or assistance with completing the membership form, please contact our Membership Chair. We'll be happy to help.


Full Agency APG Membership

$100 includes membership for one member from your agency; each additional member is $10 each.
Membership Level Fee 

$100.00 - $0.00

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Retired Membership No Charge Contact Us


Full Agency APG Membership

$100 includes membership for one member from your agency; each additional member is $10 each.
Membership Level Fee 

$100.00 - $0.00

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Retired Membership No Charge Contact Us